This may very well be the best sandwich I've ever had. Actually, that's a loaded declaration. Let's just say this is a bomb-ass-dang-good piece of food. (Inspired by this recipe).
There's a lot of foreplay making this sandwich in one fell swoop, so, I don't know...maybe make the coconut kaya one day and assemble the thing another? Only because I was essentially salivating the entire hour-ish it took to make the kaya. But be discouraged not; here we go:
INGREDIENTS: (makes 4 sandwiches)
- brioche or baguette
- 4 oz. chèvre
- arugula
- coconut kaya (recipe below)
- unsalted butter
- dark chocolate, 72% or higher
- salt + pepper to taste
- scant 1/2 c. powdered sugar
- pinch of dried lavender flowers
- 2 egg yolks
- 1.5 c coconut milk
1. whisk up all ingredients in a bowl
2. cook all ingredients in a [makeshift] bain-marie. you don't need a fancy one -- just do something like this.
3. stir continuously and be careful of steam burns
4. it'll start to thicken up, but give at around an hr. keep a periodic eye on it. it's finished when it's a custard-like consistency.
1. Drop a pat of butter on a medium-heated skillet and toast some little bread slices until they're a nice golden brown.
2. Assemble your sammiches however you please and then slap 'em back on the skillet and press to grill. Don't know if anyone else is like this, but I'm a little particular when in comes to my sandwich assemblage. Here's how I did it: kaya-chèvre-arugula-chocolate.
Crack a little freshly ground salt and/or pepper over it, if you'd like.
Take up semi-permanent residence in a comfortable chair/eating environment and enjoy this magnificent creation.