Gold Bluffs Beach
Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Calif.
//time: 2:34 pm
//mi: will calculate later bc I lost my cyclometer
//from where I write:
Yay rest day! Probably knocked out a solid six miles today. Eat my SHORTS.
Though I couldn't tell ya exactly since my cyclometer popped off my bike yesterday. I have no clue where though. I just remember glancing down at one point to work out some mileage calculations and nope - no numbers, no nothing. Kind of bummed about it. It's not a necessary device but sure is helpful. And satisfying. And motivating. Earlier in the day, I remember envisioning the 999.99 tick up to 1000.00. I'd be in San Francisco at that point. It was going to be exciting.
And it still will be exciting, just demetricated.
Oh also something funny and cool happened yesterday. First of all, we made it to California. Mike + Raphael + I got into Crescent City and went grocery shopping right at Safeway. Since being on the road, I find myself more and more stunned and incompetent in grocery stores: there are just so many options. And I still always want flowers when I see them.
From the depths of the produce section, between the $4.99 watermelons I wish I could carry and the $7.99 pre-cut fruit medley that I would never pay for, I spotted a display of waffles. Like, stacks of waffles.
They were in the bakery's doughnut case. Does this mean--I didn't want to rush into any assumptions, so I shuffled my way over to the case to confirm. Yes. Yes these were doughnut waffles. California, what are you doing you incredible genius, you.
My mouth literally dropped into an "o" and my eyes followed, widening at the possibility. I rushed around the store to find Mike and alert him of my discovery. I think he was moderately amused. Or was at least acting like it because he didn't know how else to react to my excitement. I keep forgetting I don't actually know these guys that that well, and maybe not everyone finds waffles as thrilling as I do.
After groceries, the boys dropped me off at a cafe to blog as they forged ahead; they do longer days than me. We said our goodbyes and promised to meet up in San Francisco.
Everything that day was perfect: tailwind, smooth back roads, and sunshine as soon as we crossed the border, as if someone had just flipped the lights on and fog machine off. California was so far so good. It kinda sucked that my day's ride would be coming to a close so soon; Mill Creek Campground, where I was planning to stay, was a mere hour south of Crescent City. Tis was the kind of day that made you want to pedal on forever.
So, I did. Or as forever as daylight would let me.
Not far past the Mill Creek Campground entrance, I spotted to bikes thrown into the bush by the road. I immediately recognized the panniers and setup as Mike+Raphael's.
"Oh my god," I said aloud to myself as I broke into a smile and almost a giggle, pumping out the last few feet of the climb. Of course they got distracted. I propped my bike up against a sign and climbed over the fallen Sequoia that I assumed they'd ventured over. And there they were, just chillin at the other end of the tree. Hangin' out.
Every time I see a sign like this, it's like freakin' Mario star power. INVINCIBLE.
We bike together for a whole longer and after a satisfying flight down the mountain, I saw the perfect beach for what is been hoping for: a crisp Pacific swim. The boys and I said goodbye again, since they still had another 20 miles in their day, and it was already 6pm. My new destination, I decided, was only another few miles down the road.
So, I walked to the far far end of the beach, made myself a tuna sandwich and a peanut butter banana, took my pants off and eased in just to my belly button. It was absolutely freezing. Refreshing, but freezing; there was no way I'd go for a fully immersed swim. I don't imagine biking while wet is very pleasant either.
I ditched the few-miles-down-the-road campsite 'cause the hustlers wanted $20. I'm not paying $20, as a cyclist, to pitch my tent on a groomed lawn and pee in a flushable toilet.
So, onward into Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park I rode.
Way deeper into the park, approaching Elk Prairie Campground, I recognized those same panniers and the twinkling red lights that were no other than Mike + Rapahel's.
They looked back as I rode up to them and started laughing. I put my hand by the side of my face to hide as I laughed and cruised right between them. "Noooope" I called out.
Funny. We resolved to just stop saying goodbye to each other 'cause it was getting pointless. I'm not sure I really believe in goodbyes anyway.
This is Big Tree. It's about 1500 yrs old, 21.6 ft wide and 304 ft tall.
Raphael + Mike way up. This whole grove was like a giant playground.
[very sunny out + im falling asleep now. will continue in a bit]