Beachside State Park
Wakonda Beach, Ore.
//time: 7:20 pm
//mile: 355
//from where I write: you'll have to color up your imagination cause I didn't have my phone with me on this walk.
Speaking of ever appropriately named places.
I'm tucked away in the most perfect little hideaway on this beach right now. I don't know what the beach it's called, just that it's behind my tent here at the ever appropriately named Beachside State Park. Today's ride was a lovely leisurely one, mostly flat aside from the climb out of Depoe Bay. I took the scenic route detour instead of staying right on 101 + I'm glad I did -- for the views mostly, but also this route was at least 100' lower in elevation than 101. Smooth, well maintained roads and even a bike lane (luxury).
Biked through Cape Foulweather, which is seemed like a particularly funny name on such a gorgeous day.
Obviously I know not all days are as sunny as today was. I do like that it stays light out so late over here though. Sun sets around 8:40 and it's not darkdark till 9:30ish.
Here in this little beach hideaway, I've just been reading; and watching small clumps of people barrel out to the shore as they emerge from the access path. I see them get excited about the soft sand, and about being let free from the however-long car ride. They make it to the water, go stiff once a foot's in and stagger about for a while until I imagine someone in the group declaring it is enough and the fun has been had and it's too windy and too chilly for any longer a visit. They plod back to the parking lot, in a more tightly wadded bundle than they'd arrived in, and the beach is empty again.
I'm over here bundled up with my wind-water-everything-blocking biking pants, merino base layer top + windbreaker. So goes the beach in Oregon.
Getting pretty chilly; might just turn it in soon. Turning it in means cocooning up in my sleeping bag and reading/writing and probably eating some nuts.